Sequential Circuit
We want to design a synchronous counter that counts these quence 0-1-0-2-0-3 and then repeats. The minimum number of J-K flip flop srequired to implement this counteris ________.Q22.
A positive edge-triggered D flip-flop is connected to a positive edge-triggered JK flip-flop as follows. The Q output of the D flip-flop is connected to both the J and K inputs of the JK flip-flop, while the Q output of the JK flip-flop is connected to the input of the D flip-flop. Initially, the output of the D flip-flop is set to logic one and the output of the JK flip-flop is cleared. Which one of the following is the bit sequence (including the initial state) generated at the Q output of the JK flip-flop when the flip-flops are connected to a free-running common clock? Assume that J=K=1 is the toggle mode and J=K=0 is the state-holding mode of the JK flip-flop. Both the flip-flops have non-zero propagation delays.Q23.
What are the final values of Q1 and Q0 after 4 clock cycles, if initial values are 00 in the sequential circuit shown below:Q24.
In a three stage counter, using RS flip flops what will be the value of the counter after giving 9 pulses to its input ? Assume that the value of counter before giving any pulses is 1 :Q25.
Consider a 4-bit Johnson counter with an initial value of 0000. The counting sequence of this counter isQ26.
The above synchronous sequential circuit built using JK flip-flops is initialized with Q_{2}Q_{1}Q_{0} = 000. The state sequence for this circuit for the next 3 clock cycles isQ27.
Let k = 2^{n} . A circuit is built by giving the output of an n-bit binary counter as input to an n-to-2^{n} bit decoder. This circuit is equivalent to aQ28.
In an RS flip-flop, if the S line (Set line) is set high (1) and the R line (Reset line) is set low (0), then the state of the flip-flop is :Q29.
Consider the following circuit involving three D-type flip-flops used in a certain type of counter configuration. If all the flip-flops were reset to 0 at power on, what is the total number of distinct outputs (states) represented by PQR generated by the counter?